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Victoria Page appointed as UKSSD co-chair to put SDGs into action

Authored by Victoria Page

The UN Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs) exist to provide a framework to create a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous world – for people and the planet. Each of the 17 goals are reliant on collaboration across Government, civil society and business to solve some of the biggest challenges of our time from poverty to healthcare, education to climate change.


This year, I am delighted to have been appointed as co-chair of UKSSD – the UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development along with Jeff Twentyman. UKSSD is a cross-sector network of organisations working together to drive action on the SDGs in the UK. Its mission is to inspire, influence and inform people, communities and organisations to transform the UK into a truly sustainable society.


I firmly believe that the UKSSD can inspire governments, communities, academia and businesses and empower them to make real and lasting change to achieve the Global Goals.


For too long we have been satisfied with talking about the issues – climate change, extreme poverty, access to justice systems. UKSSD exists to drive real and tangible change by mobilising people, communities and organisations to create decent work in a prosperous economy and a fair and just society. We have a responsibility to use our knowledge and insight to take action and drive change.


One example of UKSSDs success is their Measuring Up report, released last year, which provided a benchmark for UKs progress against SDGs. And we have a long way to go. Subsequently, UKSSD has given evidence at the International Development Select Committee on the Voluntary National Review, as Government prepares its review to present to the UN High Level Panel Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development this summer.


As co-chair, my aims are to maintain this momentum and stimulate the shift from thought leadership to active leadership. Through inspiring our network and beyond to take action and drive change, we can create a prosperous economy where people and planet thrive.